Are you interested in learning more about, or in joining, a network of like-minded ABCD practitioners or trainer-coaches? Contact us now for more information about our available workshops.
Dignity ServesMaybe you wonder how to offer help without hurting others, without compounding dependency, without being paternalistic. Dignity Serves has helped thousands of people use their gifts to effectively serve others. Trained facilitators guide you through this six-lesson interactive study. It is a paradigm shifting, deeply impactful learning experience that will teach you how to give and receive with dignity in every aspect of life. 9 Hours – Best taught within a 2-day time frame. |
Asset-Based Community DevelopmentHave you heard the phrase “find a need and fill it”? Have you asked a non-profit what “problem” they exist to reduce or eliminate? How is this problem-solving approach working for your community? If you live in communities like ours, the proliferation of well-meaning nonprofit organizations is not enough to address the challenges we’re facing. If you’re interested in learning a different approach to poverty alleviation, this course is for you. 12 Hours – Best taught in 2 or 3 modules taught fairly close together. |
Certified ABCD TrainerGreat Lakes Urban has a 12 to 24-month training curriculum with coaching to become a Certified ABCD Trainer. Any person who successfully completes our ABCD training (or its equivalent), co-facilitates a training with a current Certified ABCD Trainer, facilitates a training with feedback from a current Certified ABCD Trainer, and pays a one-time fee, is eligible to be a Certified ABCD Trainer.
Certified ABCD CoachGreat Lakes Urban has a 12 to 24-month training curriculum with coaching. Any person who has completed the requirements to become a Certified ABCD Trainer, and has been visited by a staff member to observe their context is eligible to be a Certified ABCD Coach/Trainer.
Although Jay is an expert in the ABCD processes, he didnʼt approach our consultation times together with how he would do things, but rather helped me to think through the various possibilities. Jay is adept at listening well. He truly is a compassionate helper while being highly qualified to provide effective guidance. Although I had been engaged in community ministry as a Senior Pastor for 23 years when we first met, I was uninformed about the ABCD approach. Jay, through years of coaching, helped me to incrementally learn and apply the principles of ABCD effectively in my context. "
—James Moynihan, Yorktown VA.
—James Moynihan, Yorktown VA.
The Dignity Serves training has certainly impacted each of us in a profound way! We have some new tools in our toolbox and I can see the team evolving as we learn how to engage neighbors more effectively.
—Lisa Mathews, Hudsonville MI
—Lisa Mathews, Hudsonville MI
Early on in my career, Jay introduced me to and trained me in, Appreciative Inquiry. He spoke into and helped develop my strengths. This training was foundational in my development as a community developer, coach, trainer, and consultant. The encouragement Jay gave me along the way has been instrumental to my career and I truly believe I would not be where I am today without Jay's coaching.
--Tronn Moller, New Orleans LA
--Tronn Moller, New Orleans LA